pink mushroom

April 16, 2007

Party all the time!

Our weekend o' fun began Friday evening when Andy and I went to a wine sale at Haskell's. Their website sucks, and the store was way over-packed--pretty sure it was un-safe in case of fire. But we managed to spend $50 nonetheless. From there we went to the mart to get food for the weekends' parties. As we're driving down University, we came upon a Cobra (not the gang, the car) that was driving like a crazy person, so Andy called the cops on them.

Saturday we went out to my mom & dad's house for party #1.

Sunday we had my mom's entire extended family over for a baby shower/Easter/April Birthday party (out of the 23 of us, there are 7 April birthdays!). I was too busy playing hostess, so I didn't get a chance to take any photos, but let me tell you, it was craaaaaaaazy!!

After everyone left, Andy and I, totally wiped out, put the swag bags together. That was a party in itself, let me tell you.From here on out, our house is C*raftstravaganza central. I'm glad the party is over, and now we don't have to worry so much about the house being clean, and focus more on the preparations. T minus 12! days. eeeeekkkkkkk


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