pink mushroom

January 18, 2009

Seven Months. Seven!

I can barely believe that today marks my baby's seven monthiversary.

She has us in constant awe of her. She is the most amazingly happy, content baby ever, and we're so lucky because she is OURS!!! As I type this, she is upstairs with her daddy jumping around in her exersaucer, yelling, laughing and talking. Every now and then she'll blow a raspberry just to shake it up a bit.

Lately, her favorite activities include watching Lola; grabbing mom & dad's glasses; laughing; talking to us; pushing herself in a reverse army crawl; spinning around in circles when laying on the floor; standing up (supported); rolling; eating paper; putting anything that will fit into her mouth; eating sweet potatoes, oatmeal and her newest favorite, pears; and of course growing teeth!! This little bugger of ours is the proud owner of six teeth, with a seventh to come very shortly!

Even though she is very well natured, she keeps us busy! I am so enjoying being able to stay at home with her. I can't imagine leaving her with someone else all day. Sometimes I look at her and I'm just blown away by her. She's a real little person!


At 19 January, 2009 16:32, Blogger The Goodfellas said...

seven months and so few pictures!!! you should email out some more, i bet she's cuter every day. :)


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