pink mushroom

February 1, 2007

Junk mail, fireplaces and househunting

You know it's bad when they're predicting a high of -2 for Saturday. I wish I could just lock myself in the house and not go anywhere all weekend. At least I don't have the mail man's job and have to walk from door to door for hours delivering what is most likely 97% junk mail.

Holy hell. I'm glad we had the furnace serviced this morning. At least we should be able to keep warm inside. Know what I find ironic? When we were househunting, we made a list of our "musts" in a house. One of Andy's (okay, mine too) MUSTS was a fireplace. If you've been to our house you know we don't have a fireplace. It's times like these when I wish we did. Maybe we should get one of those crappy plug-in ones........nah............maybe our next house will have a real one. A real wood-burning fireplace.


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