pink mushroom

May 21, 2010


never did i ever think i'd live in po-dunk carver! but here we are, all moved into our forever dream house. we are slowly but surely getting unpacked, finding homes for all our things, and making this house our own. it will be a long process getting there, but one day we'll be able to take a look around and all the bedrooms, bathrooms and closets will have doors on them, all our exterior doors will have doorknobs, bathrooms will have mirrors, toilet paper holders and towel racks, all our windows will have curtains and blinds, we will have light fixtures in all our rooms, and there won't be any nails poking up out of the floor.

I thought I would miss our house in the city more than I do, but we've just been so busy with the house and new jobs that there hasn't been time to miss it! So far the only thing that I don't like about living out in the country is the bugs. The mosquitoes and gnats are awful out here; in the city they spray so much that you could probably go all summer without more than a dozen mosquito bites.

All in all we are very very very happy to be in our new house. We even had our first overnight guests over last night, and they slept in a dedicated guest room!


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