pink mushroom

March 6, 2006

We had a pretty decent weekend. On Saturday we went to a Wells Fargo Home Mortgage seminar at which we were the only 2 people in attendance. Good thing we didn't arrive an hour early like they told us to. The seminar apparently isn't as popular as they thought it would be. We learned some stuff via a powerpoint presentation, and then we were going to sit down with them & get pre-approved. Andy decided he was too hungry so we went to an Asian buffet across the street. We'd go back to Wells Fargo after lunch to finish our "meeting". Well, we got there at the right time because as we were leaving there must have been 50+ people standing in line. It was a decent buffet, but I would have rather of gone next door to Subway. They must have been anxious to get us out of there because some dude took Andy's plate away from him; it was sitting directly in front of him & he was still eating off of it!

So we head back to the Wells Fargo and our guy was in a meeting with someone. We'd expected he would be, but he'd told us he'd be done with it in 15 minutes or so. We sat around for 45 minutes playing with a mute 5 year old and his lego trucks before we decided to just leave. Apparently he's going to call us today. We'll see.

When we got home I got sick from lunch :( not a fun night, but we did watch Happy Gilmore!

Sunday it was my sister's baby shower. it was quite fun and she got lots of good baby stuff. The shower was quite uneventful, aside from her aunt-in-law talking about penis mints and the champagne glasses with babies crawling up the sides of them. Her next shower is in 2 weeks, and then the baby is due 3 weeks later. We're all getting very excited!!!


At 06 March, 2006 20:45, Blogger ningyo said...

babies babies everywhere this spring! give her my congrats!

What did you give her since you didn't finish the sweater?

At 07 March, 2006 09:34, Blogger Jenna said...

how do you know I didn't finish the sweater? nah, you're right I didn't. hopefully by the time the kid is in high school it'll be done.

instead I made her a thing to put on the wall in the nursery with a poem. I also knitted her a pair of baby booties. they turned out nicely.


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