pink mushroom

May 21, 2010

never again!

never again do i want to move! it seems like everything that could have gone wrong in the few weeks before our move went wrong. not only that but we just had so many other things going on in our lives. i felt like i was just barely holding it together!

let's go back a few months, shall we?

all winter long we had been casually checking out the MLS to see if anything had popped up that we might be interested in. the first week in march i was looking around and came across something that looked like it might have potential. we actually got very excited because looking at the photos it seemed like everything we'd been looking for. we called up our realtor right away and she got us in to see the house that weekend.

on march 6th we met our agent out at the house and decided on the spot that it was THE house for us. we spent about an hour out there looking things over and talking to our realtor about an offer. we left with the intention of making an offer first thing monday morning. on the way home i called up our st. paul agent and got the ball rolling on getting our house on the market once again. in the meantime we had our loan officer working on getting us approved to carry two mortgages in the event we couldn't sell our city house before we closed on the country house.

the next couple weeks were a blur of inspections, paperwork, showings, offers, and a million and one other piddly things that made us wonder if we should move forward with the purchase. we did a lot of praying and soul-searching and we just kept coming back to "yes, this is the house for us". we were completely and totally on the same page. we wanted the house and we were going to do everything in our power to get it. for about a week everything was calm....

then andy had to have surgery, we threw together our fifth craftstravaganza, andy got a promotion at work (= longer hours), i found out i was going to be laid off, packing, packing, packing, and then....the stomach flu, problems with the closing on the country house being delayed and a dozen issues that came with those problems.

i just can't even tell you how relieved i am that these last few weeks are over! it feels so so good to be done with it all. i don't know how much more i could have handled.

but we have so so so much to be grateful for. none of these problems are life-threatening and we're stronger because of them.

now my job is to get this house in order so that we can have all our friends and family over for a big party!


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