pink mushroom

June 29, 2006


We've been so busy the past couple of weeks and it's not going to let up anytime soon. This week and next week are the worst though. Sunday is our open house party for all our friends and family to see our new house so we've been getting the yard and house cleaned up & put together for that. We're going grocery shopping tonight to get food for the party, and tomorrow night we get to baby sit our baby neice! I'm very excited about that one, especially since Jess & Derek are bringing her to our house so we don't even have to drive anywhere. Always a plus in my book.

Next weekend is the CRAFTSTRAVAGANZA!!!! Holy crap I can't belive it's already here!!! We're doing last minute preparations for that, and let me tell you there are a TON of them! In addition to hosting the show, we're also going to be selling our stuff so we've been getting all our stuff ready for that too. Last night I finished putting my greeting cards together, and I even have a photo to share!

So now the qu3stion is how much would you pay for something like this? It's 8 blank cards & 8 envelopes. The cards are approx. 5.5" x 4" and are on a heavy cardstock. They're professionally printed and folded and have a glossy finish.

Tonight after the mart runs I have to work on getting my beads and buttons in order! And water the garden because we haven't gotten much rain lately and the grass in the front yard is brown :(


At 29 June, 2006 15:42, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was up at Mille Lacs and saw some home-made cards for sale at a gas station. Some of them were blank and others were stamped with something inside and envelopes were with them. They were $1.25 a piece. So that might be somewhere to start. I am excited to see all your stuff! Talk to you soon.

At 29 June, 2006 16:33, Blogger ningyo said...

Jenna-those are great! I would buy them. I really love the colors. I agree with Andi-maybe $10-$13 per pack? Since it is a true craft fair (not a just sell cheap things clothes pins that are just hot-glued together with eyeballs fair--not that those aren't cute too...-)a bit more would be ok too I'm sure.

I'm bad at answering questions, aren't I.

At 29 June, 2006 18:19, Blogger The Goodfellas said...

maybe you should sell some individually and charge like $2 but then sell packs with a discount? you know, where like they come out to $1 a card or something for buying many? i dont know. depends how much money went into them i guess? but i really dont know how much people pay at fairs, and i guess it's not right to compare it to like a target price right? i know nothing. :)

ps. i like the colors too! very cute!

At 30 June, 2006 12:13, Blogger Jenna said...

Thanks girls for your suggestions! They were all very helpful.
Jenny--that'd be a good idea, but unfortunately I won't be selling them individually. I have 100 of each card and 50 boxes, so it worked out perfectly and I don't have one box or one card leftover!



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