pink mushroom

August 17, 2007


Just a quick re-cap of our past few weeks in photos. I've been falling behind on this blogging and will use this as my catch-up.

First, some of our flowers from the garden. The Morning Glories are doing very well this year. We built a little tee-pee out of bamboo sticks for them to grow up and they are going nuts. Apparently they like the no-rain thing. It is very strange, though. We have 3 Morning Glory plants that are growing in places that we didn't plant them!! All are very far away from each other and the ones that we intentionally planted. So bizarre. Oh, and they're all different colors too!

We thinned out the raspberries earlier this summer, but still got a bunch (this is just a few that we picked one night as we were chillin' in the backyard.) mmmmmmmmmm. I also planted tomatoes again this year. Unlike last year, they are not diseased! So far we've gotten 4 ripe ones (this one was one of the first to ripen), but there are about a hundred more to come.

My dad built us this arch out of copper for the garden. Andy staked it into the ground and I planted vine seedlings around it. Some of the vines have really taken off, even wrapping them selves around the nearby bushes. Every afternoon I have to go out there and "re-route" them so they wrap around the arch.
The weekend before the 4th of July we went up to the lake with Andy's family.
We had pretty decent weather on Saturday (I can't remember what we even did!), but Sunday was a bit chilly and very windy. Even so, we decided to make the most of it and we rented a brand spankin' new pontoon from a resort on Lake Miltona, which is the next lake over from the lake home. My brother-in-law's family has a home on this lake, and we hunted it out from the water.

Also on this lake is the CEO of Best Buy's lake home. Not too shabby for a lake home.

We must have gone out on the lake on Saturday, because I have these photos:
A family of Loons. There are actually lots of Loons on Lake Vermont, but it's really hard to get a good look at them because they don't let you get too close to them.

Another interesting factoid about Lake Vermont is that there are cows living on it! Here's proof:

Then it was the 4th of July. Happy 4th of July!! We didn't do anything that was too exciting, just watched what we could see from our yard, which was quite a bit. We were going to go downtown where they shoot them off from Harriet Island in St. Paul but that would have been too much work. It gets sooo crowded and neither of us felt like dealing with that many people.

If you ever get a chance to go to a Super Target grand opening; take it! Earlier this year they leveled the regular Target by our house and built a Super Target behind it. It finally opened on July 29th. They were giving away bags full of free crap. Some of it was pretty good. See for yourself. Lola liked it too.

In the summertime we like to get our produce from the Farmer's Markets. Usually we go to the one in St. Paul because it's so much less crowded (but in turn is much smaller) than the one in Minneapolis, but I'd been disappointed at the lack of fruit available in St. Paul. So...a couple weeks ago we went to the one in Minneapolis for a fruit stock-up. It all looked so good that I had to take a quick shot of it. Nums. They also had mushrooms which I've never seen in St. Paul.

I don't remember exactly when it was, but somehow this bastard found its way into my tire. Being the smart guy he is, Andy got his hands on a $2.50 patch kit and it's been healed!
Last weekend my entire family (sans my dad, who was out at Sturgis with my Uncle for the week) was able to coordinate it so that we could all go up to the lake together! We've been trying to find a weekend we could all make it up there together for 2 years. Once we finally got up there (Andy's car broke down and it was a mess) it was lots of fun. Here are a bajillion photos of Nadia and none of the rest of us.

She was talking to Andy here. She loves loves her Uncle Andy SO much! The feelings are quite mutual :)

We spent Saturday on/by the lake. It was a perfect day for that. Andy and Derek tried water skiing and went tubing on the "Y-Not".

Before we left on Sunday we went mini golfing. This is how we golf in our family:She's cheering on her auntie Jenna!
Last weekend we spent car shoppering. We'll be celebrating our 3rd anniversary tonight by picking the new (to us) car up.


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