Mission: Getting Baby OUT!!!
So if you recall, my original estimated due date was June 2nd. Our baby was born on June 18th. That's right, sixteen days later. The longest sixteen days of my life. Those sixteen days took longer to pass by than the entire previous 40 weeks.
Short of drinking castor oil, which I was vehemently opposed to doing, I tried everything in the world to encourage labor. All the old wives' tales, walking, bouncing on a birthing ball, walking, acupressure points, walking, eating fresh pineapple, walking, having my membranes stripped, walking, and of course, the thing that got me into the whole thing. Did I mention walking? We walked a lot.
I even went as far as cutting my hair. 20 inches to be exact. I had no intentions of getting it cut, but the Saturday after my due date had passed, I realized that I wanted it gone. So I cut it all off!
In the end I was given two options: I could be induced by the midwives, or I could let my body go into labor on its own, but I would have to switch to the OB's in the practice if I went over 42 weeks. I didn't want the latter so I went with the former.
Next time around I hope to avoid Pitocin at all costs. That stuff is brutal!